
We want to keep you posted and publish occasional blog articles that can include news, information, opinions and data. Read everything we know.

The Hampton Wines Scholarship

By Wm. May
Published: 04/11/23 Topics: Aberdeen Washington, Education, Music, People, Self Improvement Comments: 0

A scholarship has been created for a man who taught thousands of music teachers far more than music. His dedicated and quality was a lucky fact for them all. Read more

Sneaky Band Instructor Steals the Show

By Wm. May
Published: 10/14/19 Topics: Aberdeen Washington, Education, Music, People, Self Improvement Comments: 0

Every now and then you get to revisit the past and mine included music. Although that life is far behind, I hope the lessens I learned are not forgotten. And there is a long play music album that proves it. Read more

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